Introducing Project Spellcheck
Art by Koseki
I’m sure you’ve been wondering who that boy with the magic hat in all the pics and thumbnails around the website is, huh?
Project Spellcheck is a story about youthful adventure. It’s about a wild chase for your dreams with nothing but ambition and an open mind keeping you afloat. It’s about pushing yourself, learning what you’re really capable of, and breaching limits to soar sky-high.
But most importantly, it’s about a boy in a funny hat trying to leave a dent in history.
The story begins in a small ranching village. A young boy who has spent his whole life a shepherd decides he wants to explore the world and become a famous magician. With guidance from a famous old magician and a mysterious lady deep in a forest, and the company of a cautious fairy girl to keep him from absolute peril, the boy explores the mysterious corners of the kingdom and becomes embroiled in an unsung saga spanning its earliest generations. Ancient discoveries, new friends, determined rivals, and magic power await.
As an overall concept, Project Spellcheck was designed somewhat in response to the direction that Project Wardens was taking a couple years ago. Not that I had a problem with Wardens being a darker, grittier story, but I didn’t want that kind of theming to be all I was known for. So, I started creating a new fantasy world, one that had a more lighthearted and whimsical tone to it, that really embraced the magical, mythical side of fantasy in its story and characters, compared to how Wardens takes a more straight-faced approach to the genre. Even if Spellcheck’s story has some crazy, dramatic moments, I want to make sure it maintains an optimistic, kind-spirited identity.
While Project Wardens is bound for the books, Spellcheck felt from the very beginning like it needs a much more visual medium, though how the concept will actually take form remains to be seen. I’m a better writer than I am an artist, however, and such relatively lofty ambitions mean I can’t do this one by myself. I’m fortunate to have talented folks who share my vision to back me up, but until there’s a clearly-defined plan for Project Spellcheck—and until I have the resources to execute it—expect most of the content related to Spellcheck to either be one-off stories, Writer’s Wall updates, or the occasional small comic.
In the meantime, look forward to learning more about Project Spellcheck soon!