Project Wardens: Introducing Vincent Irefel
Art by Koseki
The junta of Slayer’s Valley is a haven for the worst, most ruthless scum the Western Anarchies has to offer, yet even in such a hive, there are still decrees to enforce. When unsanctioned chaos and conspiracy stir, the Anarch calls upon her finest to intercede, and those whom have earned her contempt are quick to find their bodies cleaved by her one and only Champion.
Before his current tenure, Vincent Irefel was a disgraced soldier, thrown from Pel’s Wall and exiled on charges of treason. The wounds left by such a betrayal and the corrupt despair of his new home soon twisted his mind and heart, turning Vincent into a vicious nomad who carved a cruel justice wherever he so dared. Eventually, Vincent’s rampages led him to a fateful encounter with a young and ambitious Anarch-to-be who offered power and riches if he stood by her side. Accepting her offer in search for a higher calling, Vincent joined in her bloody grab and earned the Champion’s mantle.
To the common men and women of Slayer’s Valley, Vincent is an exalted warrior, celebrated in the colosseum as his blade weaves through the mightiest challengers and most deserving victims. To the enemies of Slayer’s Valley, he is a living nightmare whose coming signals an imminent, blood-soaked end. To the rest of Slayer’s Valley, Vincent Irefel’s reputation as a merciless and resilient fighter is always recounted as legendary.
Vincent Irefel is something of a mascot character for Project Wardens, sharing the honor of protagonist with his still yet-to-be-named apprentice (though he should have his name pretty soon). In the story, splits his attention between serving as the Anarch’s chief enforcer and taking care of the aforementioned apprentice character. As the plot progresses, you’ll learn more about Vincent’s motivations and the many scars that have influenced the path he walks.
Although he tolerates it, Vincent does not care at all for the depravity that surrounds him. Unless he is directed by the Anarch to get involved, though, he can do little else but spar with cold words or a judging glare. This mentality has also trickled down into his relationship with his apprentice whom, despite imbuing with intensive training, he is overbearingly protective of.
Vincent’s character, in one form or another, has existed since the early incarnations of Project Wardens. Back then, Vincent was more akin to your classic broody anti-hero twisted by his own darkness, especially inspired by the likes of the Punisher and Darth Vader. However, he’s mellowed out significantly since then, and while I still want to maintain a pinch of tragic edge, I want to make sure it’s done well.
Previous incarnations of Vincent put him in his mid-late 20s, with the details of his exile being fresh in his mind. With his latest design, Vincent is older than he ever has been from a Book 1 perspective. At age 42, he’s had plenty of time to live in the Western Anarchies and accept that his best days are behind him. He’s had enough time to accept that the world he knew, his friends, loves, and glory, all of them are lost forever, and a big part of Wardens’ story is learning about how he copes with this truth. All he craves now is stability, and perhaps a blank slate.
One thing that has remained a constant across almost every Vincent, though, has been his gold-colored gauntlets and griffin-emblemed sword. In addition to the offered protection, they also act as Vincent’s last remaining reminder of his homeland and history. Beyond that, however, Vincent’s gone through several artists’ styles and redesigns as his character changed and evolved. The most recent version, courtesy of Koseki, emphasizes Vincent’s physical strength and scars, complete with an imposing silhouette.
As much as I’d love to say more, I think there are some things that are best left on the pages of a book or in a more artistic depiction. Look forward to soon seeing and hearing more about Vincent Irefel, as well as plenty of other people and places from Project Wardens!